Fashion and Interior Design Semester 1

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 Fashion and Interior Design Semester 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9-12
  • Course Credits: 0.5
  • Course Price: $299.00

Course Overview:

Do you have a flair for fashion? Are you constantly redecorating your room? If so, the design industry

might just be for you! In this course, you'll explore what it is like to work in the industry by exploring

career possibilities and the background that you need to pursue them. In this course, you will learn

about the tools of the trade, sewing & technology, clothing etc. This course will expose you to the

fundamentals of the trade.

Required Materials:

  • Clothing items
  • Sewing machine
  • Digital camera or camera phone
  • Thread
  • Fabric
  • Clothing patterns
  • Measuring tape
  • Sketchpad
  • Paper
  • Scissors 


Unit 1: Introduction to Fashion and Interior Design

If you have always had a flare for fashion or decorating, there are several ways for you to turn this into a career. While staying on top of trends and having a knack for putting together that killer outfit are definitely part of a career in fashion design, there is a lot more to it than that. Similarly, interior design is a lot more than selecting the couch cushion that pulls together a room. While these talents help, most careers in fashion and interior design require great communication skills as well as a strong sense of style because helping people express themselves through design and color requires a lot of listening. In this unit, you will learn about some of the careers in fashion and interior design and what it takes to prepare for them.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Describe careers in the fashion and design industry.
  • Classify careers from entry to professional level.
  • Explore entrepreneurship opportunities in the design industry.
  • Research and present information on design careers, including the responsibilities, employment opportunities, and education/training requirements.
  • Identify the basic components of Internet marketing.

Unit 2: Building Basic Skills for the Design Industry

Students begin to explore basic elements of design as well as the essentials of strong communication. This unit provides students with the core elements and principles of design that they will need to know to complete the design projects. In addition, they will learn the basics of effective communication and conflict resolution techniques.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Define and illustrate the elements of design
  • Create a color wheel
  • Recognize basic color schemes
  • Research the psychology of color
  • Define and illustrate the principles of design
  • Describe why communication is the basis of all relationships
  • Distinguish between non-assertive, assertive, and aggressive communication
  • Demonstrate communication skills that promote positive relationships in the workplace
  • Practice active-listening skills
  • Utilize conflict-resolutions skills
  • Exhibit work expectations of an employer in the design industry

Unit 3: Tools of the Trade

Students continue their exploration of the basics of the design industry by learning about the tools required to begin a career in the fashion and interior design industries. This unit also identifies and explains the various types of fabric and their origins. Students will also further explore the “tools” that professional organizations provide by contacting someone in the profession and conducting an informal interview.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Identify and select the appropriate tools and equipment.
  • Demonstrate the proper and safe use of tools and equipment.
  • Practice care and maintenance of equipment.
  • Identify a variety of fabrics through tactile activities.
  • Compare and contrast natural and synthetic fabrics.
  • Recognize types of fabric construction.
  • Identify fabrics appropriate for various purposes.
  • Identify roles and responsibilities of members and professional service organizations, including career and technical student organizations.

Unit 4: Sewing and Technology

This unit will let you get some hands-on experience as you get to know the sewing machine, one of the most basic pieces of equipment in the fashion design industry. You will identify the parts of the machine, learn how to thread one, and make a simple project. There is also a bit of math involved, and calculating the right amount of materials the first time around is important. You will also learn a bit more about how technology shapes the industry. Sewing machines have come a long way from your grandmother’s day, and their evolution represents one of the many ways in which technology shapes the industry.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Identify and explain the purpose of sewing machine parts.
  • Demonstrate math skills as they relate to sewing.
  • Demonstrate the threading of the sewing machine.
  • Demonstrate straight stitching.
  • Identify and demonstrate various stitches.
  • Interpret written instructions and construct a basic sewing project.
  • Identify technology utilized in the design field.
  • Analyze technology trends impacting the design industry.
  • Utilize technology to construct a sewing project.

Unit 5: Clothing

If you are taking this course, there is a good chance that you are fascinated by fashion. This unit will enable you to consider the difference between trends and wardrobe staples and the place that both have in fashion design. Designers need to be aware of both to keep their collections current. In addition, you will consider how fashion works on the body. Given the wide variety of shapes and body types represented by today’s consumers, being able to create fashion that works for as many people as possible is important. Doing this requires a basic understanding of which styles flatter which body types. Along with wearing the right types of clothing, it is essential that the ensemble fits the occasion. As new terms like “business casual” come into the common vocabulary, those in the fashion industry need to provide the right clothes for all social and professional situations (not to mention “cozy lounge” and “around-the-house” wear). In addition, those in the fashion industry need to consider cost when planning their fashions. The high-volume sales many in the industry seek require making fashion affordable, so you’ll consider the factors that those in the design industry need to consider.

What will you learn in this unit?

  • Explain the impact of trends and social climate on fashion styles.
  • Identify appropriate clothing styles for various events.
  • Identify factors that impact clothing costs.
  • Demonstrate the procedure for recording accurate body measurements.
  • Analyze proper fit.

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