English II Semester 2

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 English II Semester 2
  • Recommended Grade Level: 10
  • Course Credits: 0.5
  • Course Price: $299.00

Course Overview:

This course provides students with the effective writing skills needed to prepare them for college and career readiness. With a focus on informational text, these skills are developed in several ways: By analyzing and evaluating arguments, claims, counterclaims, and evidence in a text; by exploring how to write effective speeches, debates, and essays; and by writing expository and persuasive essays, science papers, and online blogs. Students also learn how to tailor their writing based on task, audience, and purpose to create a coherent and concise copy.

Additionally, the broad series of lessons and activities in this course provides students with the opportunity to understand the organization and structure of informational texts, scientific papers, and business writing. Writing reviews and for social media, as well as creating brochures and advertisements, are also highlighted in the course along with a rich review of the planning, revising, editing, and rewriting that are necessary for a strong foundation as an effective writer. Lastly, the importance of public dialogue, the identification of logical fallacies, and diverse views on a single topic are covered.

This course requires a lot of writing and students will be required to edit drafts and submit both drafts as well as final versions. Please be sure to save all your writing work in a separate folder on your laptop or computer.

Note: This course is not designed for ELL (English Language Learners) students. ELL students may enroll in this course ONLY if they have adequate mentor support at their home school and are able to fulfill all course requirements.



Section 1: Introduction to Writing Informational Text

In this unit, you will learn the following objectives:

  • Determine and analyze claims, counterclaims, and evidence in a text.
  • Understand the organization used in an informational text.
  • Identify task, purpose, audience, and style.
  • Understand the organization of scientific text.
  • Write abstracts.
  • Plan, revise, editing, and rewrite.
  • Identify tone and mood.


  • Introduction to Writing Informational Text
  • Organizing Text for Better Understanding
  • Task, Audience, Purpose, and Style
  • Publishing Scientific Text
  • Planning, Editing, Revising & Rewriting
  • Tone and Mood in Writing

Section 2: Informational Text in Work Business

In this unit, you will learn about the following objectives:

  • Evaluate and analyze how to write effective speeches, debates, and essays.
  • Understand why coherence is essential. Analyze a memo to understand the value of consistency and integrity.
  • Identify the steps to make your writing concise and to the point.
  • Understand the basics of legal language.
  • Write in a business setting.
  • Plan and write for various career settings.


  • Analysis of Speech, Debate & Essay
  • Organizing Complex Text for Coherence
  • Writing for Conciseness
  • Understanding Legal Text
  • Writing for Business
  • Writing for Various Career Settings

Section 3: Descriptive Writing for the Media

In this unit, you will learn about the following objectives:

  • Write descriptively for the media.
  • Use sensory details to describe events and establish mood.
  • Write product reviews.
  • Understand the responsibility of writing for social media.
  • Format content.
  • Determine tone and language.
  • Create brochures, advertisements, and documentaries.


  • Writing Descriptively for Media
  • Writing Reviews
  • Writing for Social Media
  • Creating Brochures
  • Creating an Advertisement
  • Writing for Media

Section 4: Introduction to Expository Writing

In this unit, you will learn about the following objectives:

  • Understand the key elements of expository writing.
  • Learn how to structure an expository essay.
  • Write blogs and other online content.
  • Learn how to write persuasive essays.
  • Use the writing process.
  • Edit and revise your writing.


  • Writing Expository Essays
  • Writing Scientific Papers
  • Writing Online Blogs
  • Writing Persuasive Essays
  • Edit and Revise
  • Writing Effectively

Section 5: Evaluating Arguments

In this unit, you will learn about the following objectives:

  • Understand the importance of public dialogue.
  • Analyze claims, counterclaims, and evidence in the text.
  • Evaluate whether claims are substantiated by valid evidence.
  • Identify logical fallacies.
  • Evaluate arguments by several people on the same topic.


  • Importance of Public Dialogue
  • Tools for Evaluating Claims
  • Data as Evidence
  • Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring

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