Course Overview:
This course surveys music and its role in societies from prehistory through the present day. The course focuses on the development of appropriate listening skills as the student becomes increasingly aware of the role of music throughout the ages, the role it plays today, and the role it will play in the future.
Module 1 - Acoustics
- Lesson 1: Pitch and Dynamics
- Lesson 2: Rhythm
- Lesson 3: Timbre
- Lesson 4: Melody and Harmony
Module 2 - Sound Producers
- Lesson 1: Chordophones
- Lesson 2: Aerophones
- Lesson 3: Membranophones
- Lesson 4: Idiophones
- Lesson 5: Electrophones
Module 3 - Sounds of Survival
- Lesson 1: What Is Music?
- Lesson 2: Singing for Your Supper
- Lesson 3: Singing for Your Territory
- Lesson 4: Singing for Fertility
Module 4 - Singers and Storytellers
- Lesson 1: Music and Memory Sticks
- Lesson 2: Epic Poetry and the Troubadours
- Lesson 3: Minstrels and Dancing
Module 5 - Music in the Church
- Lesson 1: The Chant
- Lesson 2: The Rise of Polyphony
- Lesson 3: The "New Art" of Europe
- Lesson 4: The Mass
Module 6 - Sacred Music
- Lesson 1: The Cantata and Chorale
- Lesson 2: The Oratorio
- Lesson 3: All About Bach
- Lesson 4: The Shift to the Secular
Module 7 - Sonata Form(s)
- Lesson 1: Classical Style
- Lesson 2: Sonatas: A Disambiguation
- Lesson 3: The Concerto
- Lesson 4: The Instrumental Sonata
- Lesson 5: The Symphony
Module 8 - Let's All Go to the Opera!
- Lesson 1: Baroque Opera
- Lesson 2: Magic, Mayhem, and Mozart
- Lesson 3: Viva Verdi!
- Lesson 4: Wagner: Musical and Historical Legacies
Module 9 - Absolute Music
- Lesson 1: The Birth of Absolute Music: Beethoven's Symphony #5
- Lesson 2: Chamber Music
- Lesson 3: The Symphony and the Concerto
Module 10 - Stories With or Without Words
- Lesson 1: The Birth of Programmatic Music: Beethoven's Symphony #6
- Lesson 2: Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique
- Lesson 3: The Art Song
- Lesson 4: Travelers, Star-Crossed Lovers, and an Art Show
Module 11- One Night in Paris: The Rite and the Avant Garde
- Lesson 1: Rite of Spring Premiere
- Lesson 2: Impressionism
- Lesson 3: The Second Viennese School
- Lesson 4: The Avant Garde
Module 12 - American Composers
- Lesson 1: The Vanguard: Copland and Barber
- Lesson 2: The Iconoclasts: Ives, Cowell, Partch, and Cage
- Lesson 3: Tin Pan Alley
Module 13 - Blues is the Roots...
- Lesson 1: Ragtime and Early Jazz
- Lesson 2: "Blues is the Roots, Everything Else is the Fruits"
- Lesson 3: Race Records and the Birth of Rock and Roll
- Lesson 4: Rock n' Roll has the Establishment "All shook up"
- Lesson 5: From Big Bands To Modal Jazz
Module 14 - Music for Film and the Stage
- Lesson 1: Romeo Reimagined in West Side Story
- Lesson 2: Night Music and Demon Barbers
- Lesson 3: PSYCHO: The Film Music of Bernard Herrmann
- Lesson 4: Jedi, Jones, Jurassic: The Film Music of John Williams
Module 15 - Hip-Hop's Revolt
- Lesson 1: The Getdown, The Message
- Lesson 2: Rebels without a Pause
- Lesson 3: East vs. West
- Lesson 4: Black Lives Matter: Hip-Hop and Social Change