Course Overview:
The 3rd Grade Health course builds on the knowledge and skills learned in the second grade. In this course, the student acquires the health information and skills necessary to become healthy adults and learn about behaviors in which they should and should not participate. Skills are taught in seeking guidance in the area of health from parents, how personal behaviors can increase or reduce health risks throughout the lifespan, how health is influenced by a variety of factors, and how to recognize health information and products. Beyond physical health, this course helps students learn personal/interpersonal skills needed to promote individual, family, and community health. Several projects help the student expand health thinking and practice skills learned in the course.
Required Materials:
Module 1 - Introduction to Health
- Explain how health habits impact self and others.
- List ways to improve your fitness.
- Identify types of nutrients.
- Know what is a balanced diet.
- Understand how to lower stress.
- Know good hygiene.
- Welcome to 3rd Health
- Good Health Practices
Module 2 - Safe Choices
- Obey safety rules.
- Know the harm of drugs and violence.
- Learn how to respond to abuse.
- Learn how to prevent disease.
- Explore the body’s defense systems.
- Discover illness safety.
- Health: Safe and Healthy Choices
- Health: Preventing Disease
Module 3 - Our Body
- List the growth stages of the body.
- Name the major parts of the body systems.
- Know how the body systems work together.
- Understand how body systems affect health.
- Locate health information from parents, school, and the community.
- Locate school and community health helpers.
- Learning the Body Systems
- Finding Health Information
Module 4 - The Environment
- Know the importance of protecting the environment.
- List causes of severe health problems caused by the environment.
- Learn how to protect yourself from environmental harm.
- Know how friends and family can help with healthy decisions.
- Health: Protecting the Environment
- Health: Healthy Environmental Choices
Module 5 - What We See and Hear
- Know how the media can impact what and how we think.
- Understand the difference between positive and negative messages.
- Identify how healthcare has improved because of technology.
- Learn about positive and negative kinds of peer pressure.
- Describe ways peers and family members can help build healthy communities.
- Media, Technology, and Health
- Communities and Health
Module 6 - What We Say
- Know different kinds of nonverbal communication.
- Show effective verbal and nonverbal communication.
- Show effective listening skills.
- Demonstrate refusal skills.
- Learn how to express needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways.
- Explain how respectful communication is helpful.
- Demonstrate respectful communication to others.
- Communication Skills
- Healthy Communication
Module 7 - Being A Good Friend
- Understand important decisions we often have to make.
- Use learned skills when making health decisions.
- Seek advice and help when making health decisions.
- Understand how to be a good friend.
- List the qualities of being a good friend.
- Learn how to resolve conflicts.
- Making Healthy Decisions
- Being a Good Friend
Module 8 - Good Choices
- List important health choices.
- Learn about good and bad consequences for choices.
- Practice gathering health information.
- Learn how goal setting is important.
- Describe goal-setting skills.
- Understand timelines and how they are used for goals.
- Data and Health Choices
- Setting Healthy Goals