Drugs and Alcohol

 Drugs and Alcohol
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9-12
  • Course Credits: 0.5
  • Course Price: $299.00

Course Overview:

This course delves into the types and effects of drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, steroids, over the counter drugs, marijuana, barbiturates, stimulants, narcotics, and hallucinogens. Students learn about the physiological and psychological effects of drugs, as well as the rules, laws, and regulations surrounding them. The difference between appropriate and inappropriate drug use will also be discussed. In addition, students will learn about coping strategies, healthy behaviors, and refusal skills to help them avoid and prevent substance abuse, as well as available resources where they can seek help.

Required Materials:

Technical Requirements

A PDF reader and a word-processing program are required for this course. It is also

recommended that you have either a Flash player or MP4 player.

  • Flash Player
  • Adobe Reader
  • QuickTime MP4 Player
  • Word Processing Programs:
  • Microsoft Word
  • Open Office


Unit 1: Drugs

  • 1 Drug Use

In this section you will be learning about drug use. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Understand the challenges associated with regulating all drugs
  • Describe how different drugs are regulated
  • Identify regulated drugs that are commonly abused
  • Identify the harmful effects of substance abuse
  • Understand and explain short-term and long-term effects of specific drugs.
  • 2 Effects of Drugs

                In this section you will be learning about the effects of drugs, decision making, and goal setting.         

                By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Describe how the nervous system work
  • Explain how different classes of drugs affect the central nervous system
  • Explain how drugs can affect the brain
  • Describe how drugs enter the bloodstream
  • Explain how drugs produce a “high”
  • List the five main aspects of health
  • Describe how the aspects of health influence each other
  • Provide an example of influencing health aspects from your own life
  • Classify the types and effects of various drugs
  • Recognize and explain relationships between different aspects of health, specifically when drugs are being used.
  • 3 Over the Counter

                In this section you will be learning about over-the-counter drugs. By the end of this section you  

                Should able to do the following:

  • Understand the difference between prescription and over-the-counter drugs
  • Identify commonly abused over-the-counter drugs
  • Identify common examples of inhalants
  • Understand the side effects associated with using inhalants
  • Illustrate safety tips for using household chemicals and medications
  • List safety tips to be used around the house
  • Distinguish between safe and unsafe methods of household chemical and medicine use
  • Create a brochure to explain the effects and risks of one specific over-the-counter drug

Unit 2: Commonly Abused Drugs

  • 1 Steroids

In this section you will be learning about steroids. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify the harmful effects of supplement use
  • Explain the side effects of steroid use
  • Analyze the effects drug abuse has had on an athlete's health, career, and personal life.
  • 2 Alcohol

               In this section you will be learning about alcohol. By the end of this section you should be able

               to do the following:

  • Understand the dangers associated with drinking alcohol
  • Identify the stages of alcoholism
  • Expose the myths associated with alcohol use
  • Evaluate an alcohol prevention or recovery organization, its mission, and accomplishments.
  • 3 Tobacco

In this section you will be learning about tobacco. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify the negative consequences of tobacco use
  • Understand why teens start smoking and the challenges to quit smoking
  • Evaluate smoking cessation organization that is targeted to teens, its mission, and accomplishments.
  • Explain the risks of e-cigarettes
  • 4 Marijuana

In this section you will be learning about marijuana. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify the ways marijuana can be consumed
  • Identify alternative names for marijuana
  • Explain the risks associated with marijuana use
  • Evaluate news articles where marijuana/hashish were involved and how the drug causes problems in society.

Unit 3: Illicit Drugs

  • 1 Stimulants

In this section you will be learning about stimulants. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify several of the common types of stimulants
  • Distinguish between legal and illegal types of stimulants
  • Compare the benefits and risks of different stimulants
  • To recognize the medical (therapeutic) uses of stimulants.
  • To describe the side effects associated with stimulant use.
  • Evaluate news articles where stimulants were involved and how the drug causes problems in society.
  • 2 Depressants & Barbiturates

               In this section you will be learning about depressants and barbiturates. By the end of this

               section you should be able to do the following:

  • Describe the side effects of depressants
  • Explain the risks associated with using depressants
  • Identify different, commonly used depressants
  • Understand the medical reasons a doctor might prescribe depressants
  • Identify all classes of depressants
  • Evaluate news articles where depressants or barbiturates were involved and how the drug causes problems in society.
  • 3 Narcotics

In this section you will be learning about narcotics. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify legal and illegal forms of narcotics
  • Explain the uses of legal forms of narcotics
  • Understand the risk associated with narcotic use
  • Identify the side effects of narcotics and the symptoms of withdrawal
  • Evaluate news articles where narcotics were involved and how the drug causes problems in society.
  • 4 Hallucinogens

              In this section you will be learning about hallucinogens. By the end of this section you should be

              able to do the following:

  • Compare the symptoms of the different types of hallucinogens
  • Explain the dangers associated with hallucinogen use
  • Identify common types of hallucinogens
  • Recognize the mental and emotional side effects of hallucinogens
  • Evaluate news articles where hallucinogens were involved and how the drug causes problems in society.

Unit 4: Drug Interventions

  • 1 Refusal Skills

In this section you will be learning about refusal skills. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Compare the positive and negative results of various refusal skills
  • Differentiate between positive and negative peer pressure
  • List risks associated with drug use
  • Demonstrate refusal skills to resist drugs
  • Have a plan of how to abstain from drugs
  • Apply the refusal skills by demonstrating the ability to refuse drugs and alcohol.
  • 2 Coping Skills

In this section you will be learning about coping skills. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify effective ways for managing anger and other strong emotions.
  • Have a plan of how to control personal anger or emotions
  • Select effective stress management techniques
  • Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • Apply specific relaxation strategies to reduce stress.
  • 3 Stages of Change

In this section you will be learning about the stages of change. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Summarize differing venues for health habit modifications
  • Discover ways to prevent relapse
  • Understand the thoughts and feelings in each of the stages of change.
  • Analyze two community recovery programs and evaluate appropriate programs for specific individuals.
  • 4 Interventions & Therapy

In this section you will be learning about intervention and therapy. By the end of this section you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify personal behaviors they can change through thoughts.
  • Identify various therapy approaches that can be used to change a behavior.
  • Identify the reinforcement therapies that increase or decrease a given behavior.
  • Apply the stages of change to a specific problem and identify how to help a friend in each stage.

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